Thank you for visiting this, my new blog site. I’m David Huang and I’m fortunate to have been able to develop a full time career as a studio artist. For many years now my work has been focused on transforming flat sheet metal into luminous vessel forms. I won’t get into the process too much here, but let’s just say there is a lot of repetitive labor involved! That tends to leave my mind free to wander and contemplate for hours. In this blog my intention is to share some the thoughts that arise as well as various projects and things going on around my homestead. This will be a project for wordsmithing I suppose instead of metalsmithing, as I try to compose language to share my visions.

I still intend to maintain what I think of as my regular website, www.davidhuang.org, to handle my art activities. Please be sure to visit that site too in order to see the latest pieces and information about the processes I use to create them.
In an effort at full transparency I should note that the business side of me was asking how I could justify all the time I’m likely to spend on this blog. To that end I’m going to try some affiliate marketing. What this means is that some of the links I’ll use on this site are affiliate links to companies who will pay me a commission on qualifying sales to anyone who uses the link. This seems like a good place to put out the statement Amazon asks of me as part of their affiliate program. “As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Right now I’m also in an affiliate program with Paul Wheaton’s site, Permies.com. As this blog project progresses there may be more.
I don’t intend to let this influence me with regard to stuff I recommend and I doubt every link will be an affiliate link, but I wanted you to know I plan to use some. The Business Dave part of me is still saying that there’s no way there will ever be enough traffic on this site to make this economically worthwhile, but for the moment I’m telling him to shut up. Life is not all about money. I’m trying to make a better world and sharing some of my thoughts, ideas, and projects might help do that. (Strong emphasis on that word “might”.)
If you’d like to jump into the blog now you can scroll back up to the top and click on “blog” in the upper right menu, or you can just click here.