The 3 E’s part two: the micro/personal level view

In my last post I explored the 3 E’s (the Economy, Energy, and the Environment) from a wide scale macro viewpoint. This time I want to look at them a bit from the micro view, or that of my own personal household. It might not be a bad idea to reread the previous post, but as a brief recap we have economic systems that require continuous exponential growth to function well. Continuous exponential growth requires a continuous exponential extraction and consumption of energy resources, in particular fossil fuels, as well as a continuous exponential consumption of environmental resources. In other words, endless growth on a finite planet. There are strong indications we are at peak extraction rates for our planetary fossil energy and environmental resources.

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The 3 E’s: Economy, Energy, Environment

This afternoon I was outside splitting firewood in preparation for winter heating. As my body worked my mind got some exercise as well thinking about how to approach this post about the 3E’s, those being the economy, energy, and the environment. I’ve been promising to write more about this pretty much since I started this blog a few months ago because it is such an important framework I use to understand what is really going on around me and to help guide my decisions. The aim is to better take advantage of the opportunities available to me now and leave me better positioned for our likely future.

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