
Rocket Mass Heaters – increase your wood burning efficiencies 50 to 90 percent

In the last post I mentioned the three Es. I really need to write more about these soon, but that is something of a conceptual post. Mind you I have nothing against conceptual writings. I expect to engaging in a fair amount of that here with this blog project. In fact, as an artist my personal experience has been that the written word is probably the best avenue to try and convey complex concepts. Maybe it’s just me, but conceptual art trying to communicate its ideas through visuals alone often seems lacking, usually requiring a written statement to go with it that actually explains the concepts.

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A Unique Introduction

Sometime in middle school, when I was probably 12 or 13 years old a teacher made a casual comment to me one day as we happened to be walking along together in the hall that left me absolutely bewildered. They said I was a leader among my peers! I don’t remember much beyond that, probably because the seeming absurdity of that statement left me stunned and confused.

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