A small garden project

I’m working on a more substantive post about my efforts to change my personal food culture which I had hoped to post today, but it’s just not going to happen. I’m too tired to focus well on that sort of writing. Why am I tired? Well since one of my goals with this blog is to share the various projects I’m trying around the homestead it seems appropriate to throw together this post about the reworking of one of my garden beds which has been today’s prime task.

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An Incredible Tool for Splitting Kindling

I just finished making what is known as a kindling splitter today, and oh my goodness is this a freaking amazing tool! Anyone out there who has a wood burner or uses kindling should probably think seriously about acquiring one. It makes the tedious, dangerous job of splitting wood into smaller sized “kindling” pieces quick, easy, and MUCH safer.

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A Trick to Reduce Heat Loss Through Windows

I’m going to be traveling off to teach a couple workshops soon. When I’m away from home I also drop out of the cyber world, so don’t expect much to be happening in the blog for a little bit. Still, before I leave I wanted to cover one other winter themed item. My wildly optimistic hope is that by the time I’ve returned March will have made its shift to spring like weather! Yeah, I know, we’ll probably all be laughing about this under several feet of snow at the end of the month, but a guy can dream.

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Rocket Mass Heaters – increase your wood burning efficiencies 50 to 90 percent

In the last post I mentioned the three Es. I really need to write more about these soon, but that is something of a conceptual post. Mind you I have nothing against conceptual writings. I expect to engaging in a fair amount of that here with this blog project. In fact, as an artist my personal experience has been that the written word is probably the best avenue to try and convey complex concepts. Maybe it’s just me, but conceptual art trying to communicate its ideas through visuals alone often seems lacking, usually requiring a written statement to go with it that actually explains the concepts.

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