Recent Studies Reveal Awesomely Effective Treatment for Rampaging Disease

I don’t want to be writing this blog post. I really don’t. This is both because I detest that there is even a need for me to write it and also because I would much rather be working on my art today. However, my conscience is seriously bothering me for not doing so, leaving me feeling like a morally repugnant being for not at least trying to share what I’ve learned when so many are living in various states of fear and suffering right now. So I humbly apologize to you all for not doing this several days ago when I learned what I’m about to share, and realized I should probably do my part with this blog post.

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The 3 E’s: Economy, Energy, Environment

This afternoon I was outside splitting firewood in preparation for winter heating. As my body worked my mind got some exercise as well thinking about how to approach this post about the 3E’s, those being the economy, energy, and the environment. I’ve been promising to write more about this pretty much since I started this blog a few months ago because it is such an important framework I use to understand what is really going on around me and to help guide my decisions. The aim is to better take advantage of the opportunities available to me now and leave me better positioned for our likely future.

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Mind the Gap – It’s where the magic happens

I’m challenging myself to reach a bare bones level of wealth needed for me to retire early within the next three years. Naturally that has me considering the nature of wealth, security, and money. With regards to money I tend to fall into two different mental habits, neither of which really serve me fully. The first is to focus on increasing my income. I realized the other day this is almost completely irrelevant on its own. The other habit of mine is to focus on cutting expenses. Again this is almost as irrelevant as increasing income. Reducing expenses does tend to reduce consumption of energy and resources, thus reducing my ecological footprint, but with regards to wealth and security unless I can sustainably reduce it to zero this too is completely irrelevant on its own.

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