More Healthy, Decadent Deserts to Satisfy Sweet Cravings

I’ve been working this year to improve my diet and shift my relationships with food as I’ve written about previously. Many days I do well. Unfortunately there are many others when I still succumb to the lure of junk food. The 3 day water fast I mentioned in the last post did seem to help me reset my taste buds and refocus my efforts. Since then I’ve been doing quite well and resisted all heavily processed foods. Still there have been days I’ve been tempted…

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A Perennial Food Experiment: Stuffed Milkweed Pods

Last week I was off on a camping vacation that you’ll likely hear more about in a future blog post. However, just before leaving I engaged in a culinary experiment I wanted to share with you. I didn’t have time to write up the results before my travels so it waited until now. The experiment is stuffed milkweed pods.

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