What’s for Dinner?

What’s for dinner? It seems like a simple enough question, yet the answer to it can have profound impacts on my personal economy, my health, my energy use, and our overall environment, not to mention the living capital of my little homestead. So it’s a question I’ve been putting more thought and effort into, trying to shift my answers with the goal of improving all these elements. I imagine some of you are cringing already, fearing I’m going to break out with some militant screed instructing you that MY diet is the BEST diet and you must follow it too or you’re some morally inferior poopy head. Don’t worry, that’s not me. I feel like what you chose to eat is up to you, just as it is your own responsibility to determine what sort of diet your body functions best on. I’m merely offering this up as information about my personal journey in the realm of food in the hopes it might help you too.

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